Charity Right Bangladesh

“Part of being a person is about helping others.” ―Regis Murayi

Charity Right is an international Social Welfare Organization working closely with the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and other organizations worldwide to overcome hunger and poverty eradicating the vicious cycle. Charity Right is one of the members of the United Nations global compact from Bangladesh, whose work is aligned with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We are operating in 6 different countries around the world including Greece, Sudan, Somalia, Eriteria, Indonesia; our headquarters being in the United Kingdoms (UK).

Charity Right is essentially an international food programme that provides regular meals to schoolchildren, families, and communities affected by an emergency. We work in neglected communities around the world, delivering food to children and adults who suffer from hunger.

Our vision is to see a world in which hunger is no longer a barrier that prevents people from reaching their full potential.

In Bangladesh, 33% of all children under five suffer from malnutrition. Stunting (one of its symptoms) affects half of the children this age. That means there are 7 million children who can’t develop to their full mental and physical potential because they don’t have enough food.

This reflects what we, at Charity Right, already know. Providing food is more than about feeding people. It’s about creating an environment where hunger no longer acts as a barrier that prevents people from reaching their full potential.

We provide daily school meals to 900 children in the heart of Dhaka’s slums. They have a guaranteed hot meal every school day, which means they no longer have to work as window washers and street vendors to pay for meals.

This programme has had great results. Its increased attendance rates across the 27 schools we support and parents who live in the slums are no longer forced to sell their daughters to local gangs for food.

Over the past few years, Bangladesh has become host to the Rohingya. This community is an ethnic group that has faced severe persecution in Myanmar for decades. When the hostility against them worsened, many fled their home country for neighbouring Bangladesh.

We’ve also established a separate school feeding programme which is exclusively for the Rohingya community of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Through this project, 634 children across 6 schools have a hot meal every day.